Results of the August 2013 Melbourne Foxhunt


Here are the results of the August Hunt. Fox for the evening was the VK3FOX team who became fox just a day earlier and planned the evening while consuming dinner. Three teams ventured into the chilly Melbourne air – VK3FAST, VK3CI and VK3BLN. Hunts alternated between 6m and 2m requiring hounds to swap gear at the start of each hunt. I believe that this is the most complicated change for the VK3CI team so they should be really good at it now!!

Signals on both bands were somewhat intermittent (actually guys that is called CW, or morse code,  and it was actually saying something and sending callsigns) but teams soon became adept at DFing the CW and not too many complaints were heard. The hunts went out from Greensborough in a North to Northwest direction and then came in an Easterly / Southerly arc back again. Hunt 1 was in Mill Park, 2 was in Craigieburn, 3 in Mernda, 4 in Yarrambat , 5 in ST Helena and hunt 6 was in Greensborough near the Soccer field over the plenty River ford.

Teams then retired to the home of Greg VK3VT for a well earned supper of vegetable soup, sandwiches, sausage rolls, chicken wings, cake and ice-cream. Results were announced and the teams made their weary way home.

Fox for next month is the VK3MZ/VR/TVB/MD/HRL/etc team and VK3FAST for October.

Results are as follows; scoring was points based, 1 for first 2 for second 3 for third and lowest score wins.
















































73,  Greg VK3VT for the VK3FOX team


Fox Hunt Report 19 July 2013

The night was dark and stormy and the street lights were ……………………….

Well not quite but it was wet as 3 of 4 teams assembled at VK3OW’s for the start of  the nights fox hunts.

For the first hunt the 2 metre transmitter was hidden in a mature cypress tree in a small plantation about 800 metres from the start. I used an XG3 signal generator as the fox set at -33 Dbm output level. As nobody could hear this I generously increased the level to 0 Dbm. First in was Darian from the FAST team who found the fox after about 3 circumnavigations of the tree. Next was Bruce from the CI team. After first finding the decoy transmitter and than crawling around the base of the tree several times he decided to try higher up and found the fox, 6 minutes after Darian. I probably should have reduced Bruce’s score by a point for finding the decoy but I’m not good a complex maths when I’m wet. Next in was the MZ team, just outside time.

While the teams collected runners and moved to the meeting spot the BLN team arrived. We knew they were coming but unfortunately they didn’t make the start in time for the first hunt.

The next hunt was a distance based hunt, ie the hound who travelled the shortest distance to the fox was the winner. There was no particular time element to this hunt although if two teams had come in with the same distance we would probably have used time to separate them. As it turned out we didn’t need to. We also ran the hunt on 6 metres to add a degree of complexity.  Actual points scores were determined as follows. The team with the shortest distance were awarded 0 points and the team with the longest distance the max 10. FAST, who were a close second got 2 points and BLN who were a long 3rd got 7.  If we do this again perhaps we’ll try a point for each additional Km.

The MZ team won this one with the FAST team only 0.5Km longer. They were followed by the BLN and CI teams with rather longer distances. Perhaps the Subaru is a bit too fast David?!

The third hunt was in what is probably a power line easement and not shown in street directories. Stephen and I entered this via a gate in the back fence of Ernie VK3FMs and enjoyed a coffee with him while we waited for the hounds. Thanks Ernie. The throb of the BLN Subaru was soon heard out the front of Ernie’s and it paused briefly when the team discovered my car. Reasoning that the fox was close (it was) they were then heard investigating all the Courts in the general area and also the small park west of the easement. The actual “public’ access was 2-3 km away. In the meantime Darian arrived and found the fox. Next in was the MZ team closely followed by BLN.  We stopped the clock at 15 minutes. Incidently the modulation on the TX was deliberate. The intention had been to AM modulate the carrier with a half hertz sinewave. The time available to achieve this however was very limited with the resulting waveform remotely resembling a lopsided peaky triangle.

The next hunt was run by Henk and Dianne. First in was the FAST team followed by CI, BLN and closely MZ.

The final hunt was a straight forward 2 metre hunt in Candlebark park. MZ were first in for this one, followed by CI, BLN and FAST, not being so fast for this one.

The hounds then retired for a well earned supper. My thanks to Jenelle for the soup and sandwidges, Dianne for the upside down cakes, icecream and caramel sauce and Henk for the party pies, cocktail franks etc.

The scores are as follows.


Hunt 1

Hunt 2

Hunt 3

Hunt 4

Hunt 5

Hunt 6





21.5 km











19.4 km











11.3 km











11.8 km










Hunts 1 and 3 were timed with a stop watch with hunts 4 and 5 using actual time.

Thanks to you all for coming on a not so pleasant night weather wise.

regards Ewen

June 2013 Foxhunt

Hi everyone

Here are the scores for Friday's hunt:

Foxhunt 28 June 2013


H1		0	1	2	4
H2		0	2	1	3
H3		0	1	3	2
H4a		0	3	2	1
h4b		0	3	2	1

Placing		0	10	10	11

Congratulations on a convincing win, FAST.



May Foxhunt Report

May Foxhunt Report The VK3CI team

The night dawned a bit damp, and the Fox team had some issues with missing hunt documentation at the last moment, but it didn’t damped the spirits of the 4 teams who rocked up to Clayton Railway Station for the May foxhunt.
The Fox VK3CI team would like to apologise for the slightly late start as we got ourselves organised.

All legs were single leg.

Hunt 1 [145.7] was meant to be where Bruce had once ended up trying to sniff in on a recent foxhunt (near Westall Road), which had turned out not to near there at all, but ‘what a good spot !  We’ll have to use that in our foxhunt’. Turns out that it was now a construction site, so the fox was placed nearby.
1st in was BLN, followed by FAST then FOX.

Hunt 2 [145.3]was near Kostas’ work unit near Keys Rd. The high up wall placement of the antenna caused some confusion in the alleyway with Adam from BLN who was first in the alleyway nearly forgo 1st place. Luckily he slipped in just ahead of FAST and OW who had both already arrived at the scene. A short while later the FOX team nearly drove up the alley.

Hunt 3 [439] was in a very muddy location behind the baffles of the new part of the Westall extension as it crosses Cheltenham Rd. FAST slopped into first place ahead of BLN then FOX. This placing will start to sound familiar.

Hunt 4 [145.3]was back in Braeside Park South. We were hoping some teams woukd drop runners in the North major entrance of the park, especially approaching from the east, but they weren’t to be fooled, with all teams choosing the more appropriate West entrance. FAST a big margin this time ahead of BLN with FOX right on their heels. OW just scraped in.

Hunt 5 [439] was back to Westall station, this time in the brand new overpass, with 1000’s of security cameras and guards. None took much interest in the suspicious package left behind from fleeing hoodie attired Fox team members and again FAST first with BLN and FOX in right behind and OW a little later. Apologies for announcing the wrong 70cm frequency (that was what we’d meant to have on the previous leg but didn’t due to loss of a fox antenna).

Hunt 6 [145.3] took teams to a wet grassy area between the Monash freeway and some new units. FAST were again well first in the area, but overshot the fox, letting Marta from BLN sneak in and spot the fox sitting in the tree. OW not too long after. This location had to be used as the surveying of this area earlier in the week (when it was also raining, incidentally) caused the demise of some carbon fibre bike forks and a very long trip home.

The final Hunt 7 [145.7] was back south of the Monash freeway near the ex Monash Seecondary college grounds. FAST again got the honours followed by BLN, then OW, with FOX getting in on the somewhat elongated 9th minute.

Supper was magnificently catered by Olga, and the hot soup and mulled wine just perfect for the conditions.
Thanks to all teams who came along.



Hunt 1





Hunt 2





Hunt 3





Hunt 4





Hunt 5





Hunt 6





Hunt 7















28th WIA Victorian Fox Hunting Championships – Saturday May 4th 2013

A report by Roger, VK3 HRL

Please may I start by thanking Ian Stirling, Jack Bramham, John Van Bree, Mark Diggins and Dennis Haustorfer for their help with planning and execution, and for all the assistance with food and equipment preparation that ensured a successful event.

Cool and inclement weather greeted the six teams as they assembled at Thorpe St Newport, just in time to realise that setting up their equipment required more than the available time.  The first hunt started a bit later than planned, and events ran later than expected during the afternoon, but by dinner time we were back on schedule.  Dinner was a barbecue of chicken, lamb and beef, with salads and desserts provided by wifey and members of the fox team.


Fixed order hunts:    One point for first place through to six points for last, points awarded for each leg.  Scores based on leg time, so that if a given team did poorly on one leg it would not ruin the entire hunt.

Any order hunt: like ARDF – number of foxes found then time taken.  Three points per fox (ie first team for hunt scores 3 points, last team 18 points – to give Hunt 3 appropriate weighting vs the other hunts)

Sniffer hunt: individual winner, no contribution to championship aggregate.

Hunt 1        Foxhunt 3.585 MHz, 1296.1 MHz, sniff 1296 MHz.  Fixed order.

Jack VK3WWW on 80m at 40G4 near Buckingham Reserve, then Ian VK3MZ with the Driftmaster 23cm hand-held near Altona Gate 41A12 and John VK3TVB a short sniff away.

Hunt 2        Foxhunt 28.450 MHz, 438.850 MHz, 52.100 MHz, Fixed order

Dennis VK3BQZ found a good nook in a Williamstown laneway for a tricky 10m leg (56E11 area), followed by Roger VK3HRL on 70cm near the Italian Social Club at 41C11, and John VK3TVB on 6m near The Pines (ugh!)

Afternoon Tea / repairs

VK3CI required a tubular mast to be straightened after a collision with a tree; VK3OW needed the services of a soldering iron.  The Assorted Creams disappeared in short order.

Hunt 3   Foxhunt 3.585 MHz, 1296 MHz, 28.450 MH z, 145.700 MHz, 438.850 MHz, hunt in any order. The foxes were turned off at 18:10.

Jack VK3WWW on 80m was in a small dead-end near the Brooklyn abattoir, 41B8.  Ian VK3MZ with 23cm between the Spotswood football oval and the railway line, 41K11.  Mark VK3MD ran 10m from a laneway near the Nosh coffee shop at 55K4 (good coffee!).  Dennis VK3BQZ on 2m found a small vehicle track into the Newport Lakes golf course off Ross Rd Altona North, 55D7.  John VK3TVB put 70cm up near Seaworks in Williamstown.

Dinner at Thorpe St

While everyone was out hunting, Roger (with the help of family + Eleisha and Sue Diggins) fired up the barbecue and cooked for the army.  The brazier was lit and provided some warmth for those who needed it.  All seemed well fed and the wine  and beer supplies dipped dramatically (fortunately there was plenty on hand).  Thanks to the fox team members for the variety of salads and desserts, there was certainly no lack of choice.   Scarlett the Koolie and Otto the Greyhound got plenty of  attention and scraps, although Otto felt additional pats would have been nice.  I found the forgotten veggie burgers in the fridge this morning – I guess there were no vegetarians because no one complained.

Hunt 4   Sniffer Hunt, 145.700 MHz.

Mark VK3MD placed three ARDF-style TXs in the neighbourhood and hounds tested their intestinal fortitude by sprinting on a full stomach.  Well done to Darian and Gary, and commiserations to Ewen’s nose (which met its sorry fate on the playground equipment at the Loft Reserve, 55F4).  Mars Bars to the victors, and Suzanne who just wanted Mars Bars.

Hunt 5   Foxhunt 145.700 MHz, 438.850 MHz, 28.450 MHz, 52.100 MHz, 144.250MHz, hunt in fixed order

Ian VK3MZ put 2m up from an industrial estate in Truganina, 360H10.  This was a bit of a procession but thankfully the following legs were more challenging.  Then Mark VK3MD put up 70cm from Ralph Ct Pt Cook, 208F4.  Jack VK3WWW ran 10m from Law Crt Sunshine West, 40D6, followed John VK3TVB on 6m in a paddock near Fulton Dve Derrimut 39E7 (proved a challenge for some).  Finally Dennis VK3BQZ and Eleisha ran 2m from a cleanfill pile in Altona North 54J2, which required some deal of sniffing.


All teams returned to base for debrief and cocktails.  More beer and wine was consumed, along with cakes and hot food (traditional foxhunt supper).  Tall tales became taller while Roger tallied the scores.  Announcements were made, then following a protest the scores and times were checked and re-calculated.  The VK3FAST team was pronounced the winner (confirmed), and after re-checking the scores the placings were confirmed as shown in the table below.

Team Hunt 1 Hunt 2 Hunt 3 Hunt 5 Total Place
VK3FAST 3+2+1=6 6+3+1=10 9     2+5+4+2+2=15    40  1
VK3OW  6+3+2=11 3+6+6=15 18  5+3+1+6+5=20    64  6
VK3CI  2+4+3=9 5+2+5=12 12  3+2+6+1+1=13    46  4
VK3BLN  4+6+1=11 4+1+3=8 3     4+4+3+5+4=20    42  =2
VK3TXO  5+1+2=8 1+5+2=8 6     6+6+2+3+3=20    42  =2
VK3FOX  1+5+3=9 2+4+4=10 15  1+1+5+4+6=17    51  5


Well done to the VK3FAST team!  Good luck to all for Mt Gambier in only five weeks’ time.

March 2013 Foxhunt

Thanks you and thank everyone for coming and i hope you enjoyed most of it 🙂 Here are the scores

Team:Hunt 1Hunt 2Hunt 3Hunt 4Hunt 5Hunt 6Total:Position
TXO04423316 4th
OW31211210 3rd
CI1010204 1st
BLN2203018 2nd


January Fox Hunt report

Well, better late then never… Right??

Hunt 1:

The Tx was set up adjacent to a railway bridge – on one pylon, while the fox sat on the other. The fox and Tx were both below the level of the train, and both fox members had an excellent view of the sunset as we waited for the first team to show up. It took a while, but eventually TXO pulled up with teh screech of gravel, on the wrong side of the creek. They spotted the fox straight away and got across without even getting their feet wet. MZ joined the fox shortly afterwards and Roger crossed the creek and found the Tx without incident. FOX approached from the same side as the fox had driven in, but Greg opted to send Kristian out for exercise so he ran in to find us. It wouldn’t be the last time he’d be out hiking tonight…

 Hunt 2:

The Tx was set high up on a hill, near a transmission tower. Too near. After complaints from the previous leg that the signal couldn’t be heard, the fox made rapid adjustments and put the beam in a tree, instead. First in was Kristian. On foot. (Do we see a theme?) His car arrived shortly after. Ryordan from TXO powered in shortly after and then MZ; a line of torches spread evenly across the hillside. They all found it within a short time of each other.

Hunt 3:

The fox made his way to a small reserve. As he skulked his way through the bushes, he thought ‘Gee, I look suspicious.’ And the dog he’d brought along for cover didn’t really help much. And indeed, neighbours accosted him soon after to ask what he was doing. With neighbours pacified and Tx finally placed, wedged in a tree not too far in with beam pointing west, the fox settled down to wait amongst razor grass and mosquitoes. Teams needed directions to get on the fox’s scent, but then MZ and FOX arrived very close together and TXO a few minutes later.

Hunt 4:

The fox had quite a long drive from the first leg but despite that, they had a long wait. After driving up a very overgrown, dry and rutty bush-track, the fox negotiated at 137-point-turn (but who’s counting? Anyway, the gender of the fox makes the fact that any 4WD happened at all worthy of general praise), plonked the fox up on a gate with the beam pointing west and settled down. There was lots of fox activities – car engines on the road, stopping, reversing, u-turning; and then disappearing. Torch light from adjacent hills. Many complaints on the radio. The fox calmly advised all teams that it was possible to drive in. Despite that, no-one seemed convinced. After what seemed like centuries, Kristian for the FOX team continued his exercise routine, strolled up to bid the fox goodnight, and then strolled back out the other direction. About ten minutes later, TXO finally deigned to join the FOX team and drove up with many complaints about the use of a beam. The fox nodded sympathetically. They didn’t snigger at all. Well, not much. MZ drove in not long afterwards. Cue much synchronised u-turning, and everyone finally got back out onto the road and gathered for the supper hunt.

Hunt 5 (supper hunt):

Plan A was aborted (after the discontent of hounds following Hunt 4, we decided the poor little mites really couldn’t handle what the fox had planned for Hunt 5; but don’t worry, boys – maybe next time!) and Plan B began a mobile hunt towards supper in Monbulk. Driving 10-20kph below the speed limit, the fox expected to be caught quickly, but as Monbulk approached, they realised they’d better go to ground instead. Frantic searching of Google Maps revealed a small park off David Hill Road. TXO was first and found it quickly. MZ conducted a thorough inspection of the fox’s tail shaft and undercarriage. They found the Tx eventually. And declared the vehicle roadworthy at the same time. The fox would like to thank them for their free service. FOX came shortly afterwards and found it without any trouble.

Everyone then adjourned for supper (MZ with a flat tyre which was reinflated with some good ol’ Monbulk air).

And the results are:





1 0 2 1
2 1 0 2
3 2 0 1
4 1 0 2
5 0 2 1


4 4 7


1 1 2

Well done, TXO and FOX! Equal first.

November 2012 Foxhunt

Hunt 1 on 2M was located just south of the Eastern Freeway just East of Doncaster road. Those who were at Geoffs Tuesday night Orienteering event will realise that this spot was inspired by control 17.  The hunt was clearly won by the FAST team with CI and FOX 2nd and 3rd, 5 and 6 minutes later respectively. I had 2 calls from different members of the BLN team asking for directions to the fox as they were having trouble hearing it. This made me wonder if there was any communication between team members……..  Their result on this hunt would suggest not, or were they just missing dog. Or perhaps the turbo on Subaru was playing up  

Hunt 2 on 70cm  was in a narrow unmarked pathway on the Northern side of the Doncaster swimming pool. The hunt was narrowly won by VK3BLN closely followed by the FOX team and then FAST and CI. The TXO team placing’s were starting to fit a pattern at this stage. The lane on the South side has been used before but I didn’t think the Northern one had been. Perhaps someone could correct me on this one.  

Hunt 3 on 70cm started as a mobile hunt with Henk driving around the South side of Ruffey Lake Park and ending up in the Northern car park. The hunt was narrowly won by The FAST team, very closely followed by the FOX and CI teams, then a gap to BLN and TXO.  

Hunt 4 was a modified 2M ARDF event. We thought this was worth a try for something different. To allow team members to swap runners a runner was only allowed to find one TX and then had to come back to the start. Other team membesr were allowed to DF but not leave the start area. The TX’s were within about 300M of the start. Bruce, who ran all legs, was the winner, with FAST second, after a slow start, followed by FOX, BLN and TXO (well done Gary for persevering to the end with this event). Unfortunately I didn’t record the start time for the event, only the finishing times. The scores announced on Friday hadn’t been adjusted for the later start times for some teams. The scores in the attachment allow for this but the overall placings don’t change.   We learnt a few lessons with the event. Firstly normal ARDF TXs on a five minute cycle mean a lot of standing around waiting for the next cycle which is frustrating. Also I didn’t put any reflectors or flags on the TX’s and while I didn’t go to any trouble to hide them I didn’t make them obvious either, which made finding them more difficult than need be. Some reflectors and Serbian style 12sec/one minute cycle TXs would help a lot here.  

Thanks to Di for the salads, cheese cake and helping with the BBQing.  

regards Ewen  

FOX HUNT 16 November 2012
TeamHunt 1Hunt 2Hunt 3Hunt 4TotalPlace
ARDFFinish TimesRaw ScoreRaw Score adjustedScale FactorScaled Score
Hunt 146K22VK3OW
Hunt 233D970VK3BLI
Hunt 333H1070VK3FVXN
Hunt 4Ruffey Lake Park2M ARDF

May 2012 Foxhunt

Here are the results of the hunt held yesterday 18th May 2012.  Scoring was 0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third etc. As there were 5 teams max was 4 so a team not finding the fox within 10 minutes (single leg hunts) were awarded 4.  Multi-leg hunts were scored as above for each leg, with leg times determining the places.

Many thanks to Kristian and his mother for organising supper, I think we may be returning there again as it certainly met our exacting standards. /(What is wrong with the hounds these days, there was food left over!?/

*Team    1    2    3/1    3/2    3/3    4    5    Total    Place*
MZ/HRL  0    1     0      1      2     2    0     6         1
FAST    2    2     4      0      0     0    2     10        2
BLN     1    0     2      4      4     1    1     13        3
OW      4    4     1      2      1     4    4     20        4
TXO     4    3     3      3      3     3    3     22        5

Hunts 1,3/1, 4 and 5 were on 2M
Hunts 2, 3/2, 3/3 were on 70CM

Elapsed times (minutes) for hunt 3 legs are as follows

*Team        3/2    3/3 *
MZ/HRL       23     18
FAST         22      7
BLN          40     n/a
OW           24     11
TXO          25     20

Greg VK3VT from the VK3FOX team

May 2012 VK3 Monthly fox hunt

Results of the May 2012 VK3 Monthly fox hunt

HI everyone
Here are the results of the hunt held yesterday 18th May 2012.  Scoring was 0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third etc. As there were 5 teams max was 4 so a team not finding the fox within 10 minutes (single leg hunts) were awarded 4.  Multi-leg hunts were scored as above for each leg, with leg times determining the places.

Many thanks to Kristian and his mother for organising supper, I think we may be returning there again as it certainly met our exacting standards. /(What is wrong with the hounds these days, there was food left over!?/

Team    1    2    3/1    3/2    3/3    4    5    Total    Place
MZ/HRL  0    1     0      1      2     2    0     6         1
FAST    2    2     4      0      0     0    2     10        2
BLN     1    0     2      4      4     1    1     13        3
OW      4    4     1      2      1     4    4     20        4
TXO     4    3     3      3      3     3    3     22        5

Hunts 1,3/1, 4 and 5 were on 2M
Hunts 2, 3/2, 3/3 were on 70CM

Elapsed times (minutes) for hunt 3 legs are as follows

Team        3/2    3/3 
MZ/HRL       23     18
FAST         22      7
BLN          40     n/a
OW           24     11
TXO          25     20

Greg VK3VT from the VK3FOX team

April 2012 Foxhunt

Results from Friday 20 April:


1 Kmart Plaza	 1	 0	 1	 7	 2	 3
East Burwood

2 Sienna Falls	 0	 6	 6	 6	 6	10

3 Nortons Park	 0	 1	 1	 1	 1	 1

4 Aquatic Cntr	 0	 5	 3	 4	10	 2

5 Tirhatuan and	 0	10	 6	 1	 9	 6

7 Blackburn Lk	 3	10	 0	 1	10	 7

TOTALS:		 4	32	17	20	38	29

Congratulations to BLN team for most convincingly winning the night!


* Scoring was zero for first team with other teams scoring one point
for each minute or part thereof, to a maximum of ten.

* First two hunts were on 70cm, remaining hunts were on 2m.

* Hunt five was two-legged, with both frequencies announced at the start
and teams required to collect a token from the first fox and present
this to 2nd fox.  Scoring was the usual point-per-minute at the 2nd fox.

* Arrival order (and minutes after 1st) at first leg of 5th hunt:
	BLN  FAST(6)  MZ(6)  FOX(6)  TXO(6)  CI(10)

* FAST elected to have an early night and retired after hunt 5.

* Hunt 6 was not scored, due to unresolved controversy regarding
equity of accessibility via Eastlink.

* For those still confused by "shrubbery" references at supper, see: (1 min version) (6 min version)

November 2011 Foxhunt

Here are the results if the hunt held last night.

Seven teams turned out for this event on a beautiful evening for foxhunting the weather was perfect. Scoring was the usual 10 minute rule.

The first hunt was in Bundoora and most of the hounds found it reasonably quickly with VK3YQN leading the pack. The VK3BLN team did have some problems and did not trouble the scorer.

Second hunt found Ian VK3FFLY riding his bike down the Plenty River bike path and this proved to be a difficult fox to catch Once again VK3YQN was first in followed by VK3FAST, VK3TXO and VK3OW. VK3BLN, VK3MZ and VK3FVXN did not trouble the scorer on this event.

The third and final hunt of the evening was located in Yandell Reserve, not far from the supper location and very close to the home of Ewen VK3OW, who happened to be first in; all the other hounds found this fox within the 10 minutes. This hunt was conducted on 2M and 70CM.

After the third hunt it was decided to end the evening and the hounds gathered at the home of Greg VK3VT for supper of prawns, sandwiches, sausages rolls, roast chicken wings, cakes, fruit, tea, coffee and a selection of cordials. The following results were announced and some discussion was held on running 70CM hunts seriously, rather than as dual bands. No consensus was forthcoming. Most of the teams were on their way home by 11:30 pm and all were gone before the bewitching hour.

Many thanks to Mike VK3KMJ, Ian VK3FFLY and Kristian for assisting with the running of this hunt and to Kate for assisting with supper.

Team Hunt 1 Hunt 2 Hunt3 Total Place
YQN 0 0 6 6 1
FAST 1 6 1 8 2
OW 3 9 0 12 3
MZ 1 10 3 14 =4
TXO 1 9 4 14 =4
FVXN 2 10 8 18 5
BLN 10 10 1 21 6

This result shows that Bruce’s super powers have not been affected by his trip to Croatia and that he and Subi are a formidable team.

The December hunt will be held on Friday 10th December and the fox will be Jack VK3WWW. This hunt will have a couple of presenters and a film crew from Norway along for the ride with two teams and looks like it might be a real spectacle. Stay tuned to this list for more exciting details.

Greg VK3VT
from the VK3FOX team

July 2011 Foxhunt

FOX HUNT RESULTS  –  July, 2001

Competition on the night was very tight and 
further scrutiny of the interim results (& a recount) 
revealed the following: 
Hunt        BLN    FOX     OW    TXO    YQN

      1      0      1      10     6      1
      2      10     6      0      1      6
      3      6      6      6      6      0
      4      1      1      5      8      0
      5      6      1      0      1      5
      6a     0      2      4      1      3
      6b     1      4      10     0      4

TOTAL        24    21      35     23     19

So the official record is: 

 1st 	VK3  YQN
 2nd 	VK3  FOX
 3rd	VK3  TXO

2011 Fox Hunting Championships at Mt Gambier

The Queen’s Birthday weekend is typically looked forward to by the fox hunting community here in Melbourne, because it gives us an opportunity to test our equipment against the wits of SERG and the might of the South Australian pine forest. As always, we are extremely appreciative of all the work done by SERG to organise this event, particularly this year, shortly after the passing of our friend Wayne Kilpatrick, who has been involved with the Mt Gambier championships for many years. He will be missed, and our thoughts are with his friends and family at this very sad and difficult time.

On a more positive note, however, SERG paid tribute to Wayne by organising another fantastic Australian Fox Hunting Championship event, with many challenging and exciting hunts to keep us all entertained. With just a few spots of light drizzle and even some patches of blue sky, we couldn’t have asked for better weather… Although, clearly there had been SOME precipitation in recent times, as a number of unlucky teams found out – no fewer than three people got bogged during the weekend’s proceedings (one of those people being a would-be rescuer!) The extra multi-legged hunts organised this year added a lot of interest to the event, and we’d like to thank SERG, and in particular Charles and Andrew, for taking on board our comments last year and succeeding admirably in putting on an extremely enjoyable event.

One of the SA teams documented their experience with a series of photographs, which can be found here:, along with video footage of the de-bogging rescue attempt gone wrong:

Bogged! Fun times at the Mt Gambier Fox-hunting Championships from Mark Jessop on Vimeo.

The VK3YQN team also valiantly recorded their own attempts to teach their Subaru to swim:

The YQN Suby – learning how to swim


The Suby in the lake


“I’ll wait here and mind the car”


Every bridge starts with a small stick…


If anyone has any further pictures or stories, please send them along!

May 2011 Foxhunt

We had pretty much a full turnout for the night and a couple of the hunts ended up being a bit more challenging than we thought. Results are tabled below:

Hunt 1 (View Track)
Hunt 2 (Birdsland)
Hunt 3 (Ternes Rd ext)
Hunt 4 (New Rd)
Total Points

Hope everyone enjoyed the evening. The format was kept pretty simple given Mt Gambier is only a couple of weeks away.

Bryan from the VK3FAST team.