April 2012 Foxhunt

Results from Friday 20 April:


1 Kmart Plaza	 1	 0	 1	 7	 2	 3
East Burwood

2 Sienna Falls	 0	 6	 6	 6	 6	10

3 Nortons Park	 0	 1	 1	 1	 1	 1

4 Aquatic Cntr	 0	 5	 3	 4	10	 2

5 Tirhatuan and	 0	10	 6	 1	 9	 6

7 Blackburn Lk	 3	10	 0	 1	10	 7

TOTALS:		 4	32	17	20	38	29

Congratulations to BLN team for most convincingly winning the night!


* Scoring was zero for first team with other teams scoring one point
for each minute or part thereof, to a maximum of ten.

* First two hunts were on 70cm, remaining hunts were on 2m.

* Hunt five was two-legged, with both frequencies announced at the start
and teams required to collect a token from the first fox and present
this to 2nd fox.  Scoring was the usual point-per-minute at the 2nd fox.

* Arrival order (and minutes after 1st) at first leg of 5th hunt:
	BLN  FAST(6)  MZ(6)  FOX(6)  TXO(6)  CI(10)

* FAST elected to have an early night and retired after hunt 5.

* Hunt 6 was not scored, due to unresolved controversy regarding
equity of accessibility via Eastlink.

* For those still confused by "shrubbery" references at supper, see:
	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIV4poUZAQo (1 min version)
	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQfGd3G6dg (6 min version)