On the right Pecs

The Hungarian RadiO people don’t do things by halves !

Three full scale practice ARDF hunts in 2 days (and that’s following 2 days of ARDF championships over last weekend whilst I was in Veszprem). Some much needed practice for me, albeit slower than normal as I’m just being cautious not to stress my knee. Good news is I was able to run OK when it was clear underfoot.

The two maps used were 2007 World Orienteering Champs maps from 2007. Anyone go to WOC in 2007 recognise this ?

Here is one of the ex-WOC maps used for the RadiO training





Due to too much luggage and people to fit in Gyrui’s car, and the fact Vadim wasn’t all that taken with the idea of tying him to the roof, I caught a lift with a Budapest couple to Budapest, and train-ed it down to Pecs. Vadim is also here, staying at Gyuri’s place.

Rode around this park near Buda-Deli station whilst waiting for my train
Karoly and Piroska, and my lift to Budapest
Vadim busy hacking into US security, and Gyrui fending off a work call


I went for ride up into the hills a bit this morning, but the Pecs road map was somewhat optimistic as far as which roads actually existed and/or went through, so a fair bit of time was spent relocating 🙂  Ended up on some single track, well sort of.

Old mine head, on my bike ride around Pecs
Single Track !


Found out today there is a special deal on train tickets from Budapest to Belgrade (15 Euro only), so it’s much the same price as yesterday only to Pecs. I’ll catch the train at Kelebia though, on the Hungarian-Serbian border.  The train does carry bikes, but bike carriage tickets can only be purchased in Budapest (don’t ask, I have no idea, grrrrr), so I’ll pack it up in the bike bag instead and pretend it’s luggage.

Later this afternoon we drove out to one of those infamous Pecs maps (Geoff send some out in his WMOC blogs last year), I ran out and hid a single 2m transmitter so Gyuri could demonstrate to Anna, his partner, how the signal behaves as you approach a hill the TX is on the other side from you. Maybe we should do a simple training exercise in this too ! ?

Good luck to all those heading to the World Rogaine Champs this weekend in nearby Czech Replublic. I think the weather may be a bit cooler than it was !

Last blog: https://ardf.org.au/WordPress/2012/radio-in-the-forest/

Cheers, Bruce