19th ARDF world Championships – Final update

The final event for the championships was the second classic.

Ewen, Jack, Jenelle and Peter all competed on 80m, whilst Kristian was the only Australian competitor on 2m.

Thankfully the terrain and map were very appropriate for an ARDF event.
All Australian competitors did very well, getting all of the required transmitters with plenty of time to spare.

  • Jenelle just missed the podium, placing 5th in a time of 112’41.
  • Kristian was unable to beat the “sweet, handsom” M21 boys, finishing just outside of the top ten, placing 11th in a time of 65’05.
  • Ewen placed 18th in a time of 114’10.
  • Jack and Peter were inseperable, placing 25th and 26th in 99’33 and 100′ respectively.

Tonight the team will celebrate our achievements before  boarding flights back home tomorrow.

Thanks for reading the updates. đŸ™‚

Full results here:

Map image available here:https://ardf.darc.de/contest/18090407/18090407.htm#map180907m80+2

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