Blog 3 Yurt Experience

Wednesday 27 August

Left Bishkek and headed for the yurt camp at the lake Song Kul. Stopped for petrol at Kockkor, long queue which seems to be the norm here, complicated by having to prepay before you get the fuel. Fuel cost is about $1 per litre.

The first of many rough dusty winding roads
The first of many rough dusty winding roads

After driving over a pass at 3500 metres we turned off the main road onto several km of dirt racks heading along the shore of the lake, passing several yurt camps until we eventually arrived at our camp.




We had a couple hours before dinner so Bruce and Ewen went for a horse ride. Our horses were clearly selected for tourists and had to be goaded into even a slow trot.

Still they took up a hill which gave us a good view of the lake which is about 20km long and 3km wide.

Horse riding
Horse riding



Horseriding - the lone rangers
Horseriding – the lone rangers
Song Kul Lake
Song Kul Lake

It’s at the edge of a large flat area between two mountain ranges. In fact the whole country seems to be mostly very high mountains.     Camp consisted of five yurts. Owners, eating and three guest “units”


Dinner in the yurt camp
Dinner in the yurt cam

The unit next to ours was occupied by two Australians from McLeod. Almost our next suburb in Melb. Its a small world!

As expected there was no running water. there was electricity, one small light for about 2 hours. Sleeping was on mats on the ground which were quite comfortable. The yurt had a heater but this made it too hot. Might have been OK if we’d not used our sleeping bags. Temperature during the day was high twenties but closer to zero at night.  Food was bread, jam, dumplings, water melon and vege soup.

Sleeping quarters in the yurt
Sleeping quarters in the yurt








View from 33 Parrots Pass leaving Song Kul
View from 33 Parrots Pass leaving Song Kul


The next day we headed to Tash Rabat to see a ninth century ware house which was used by traders on the silk road. The building is basically intact and has had some restoration work done but has long been disused. Another night in a yurt here. Somewhat upmarket this time with beds.



Caravansarai Tash Rabat 1
Caravansarai Tash Rabat 1
Tash rabat caravansarai 2
Tash rabat caravansarai 2


What are the looking at?
What are the looking at?
Caravansarai - cornice decoration
Caravansarai – cornice decoration


Yurt camp Tash rabat
Yurt camp Tash rabat







29 August

Headed back to Naryn. Had lunch at another yurt camp and went on a rather strenuous hike up avalley, across a saddle and down a parallel valley on the other side. About 2.5 hours and reached an altitude of 3400 meters. Ewen’s body doesn’t work well at this height!

High altitude trekking
High altitude trekking
Reaching the saddle
Reaching the saddle







Naryn - 3 mountain ranges - different colours
Naryn – 3 mountain ranges – different colours


Roads so far have varied from Chinese built superhighway to bone shaking  which in general makes travel slow. (a chance to catch the scenery)
