FoxOr at Sprint Championships Deakin Uni

Sun, 30 August, 2009

Deakin FoxOr

Mike Hubbert set a fast FoxOr course today to follow the Sprint Championships. Some did the Sprints, then the FoxOr, some did just the FoxOr, and the hardy did Sprints, Campus Challenge and FoxOr.

The weather was cool but sunny; perfect running conditions. The threatened showers did not appear.

It was an ideal opportunity for such an introductory style event, as the Sprints were very quick and many people were looking to do something more.

A number tried FoxOr-ing just to give-it-a-go without having time to do the whole course, so I’ve added these in the Come-And-Try-It (CATI) section.

The club used it’s new set of VHF FoxOrs for the first time this event, and they proved to function very well, with reasonably consistant signal strengths.

Peter managed to head out on a course with a map with no circles on it, so he did well to find 8 !

Full 9 FoxOr Course

Name# FoxOrsTime (mins)Order
Bruce Paterson9141
Gary Panter9172
Darian Panter9183
Ewen Templeton9224
John Erwin9224
Tanya Panter9286