
This blog is integrated with the ardf website (, but there are a few workarounds required to ensure that the integration works correctly. Here are the instructions you should follow when adding a new post.

  1. Click on “Log in” near the bottom right of the blog home page.
  2. Enter the same login details as you use to access the ARDF website.
  3. Click on the Posts menu option to the right of the screen, then click Add New.
  4. Use the WYSIWIG editor to write your post. Make sure you add a Title (up the top of the post) AND an Excerpt (below the WYSIWIG editor) – a short summary of your post, which will appear on our website.
  5. IF the Excerpt field is not visible, do the following:
    1. Click Screen Options to the top right of the screen, directly below the Howdy <name> message and the Log out link.
    2. Check the Excerpt checkbox in the panel that drops down.
    3. Click Screen Options again to hide the panel.
  6. The buttons next to the Upload/Insert label above the editor can be used to add images and movies to your post. When adding images, ensure you give them a descriptive title, as the title appears as the image caption on our website. Ask questions if you are having problems adding images or movies.
  7. Once you’ve written your post, click the Publish button to the right of the post.
  8. To update your post at a later time, click the Posts menu option, then the Posts link below it to get a list of your posts which you can update. After you make changes, just hit Publish again and the post will be updated.
  9. If you are writing a report for an event listed in the ARDF calendar, please perform the following extra steps:
    1. Go back to the ardf site and login.
    2. Find your event in the calendar (Events->Calendar).
    3. Click the Add Report link next to your event.
    4. Select the new Link to existing news item option on the Upload New Report page, and select your news report from the list of twenty most recently created reports which are not currently linked to any event.
    5. Click the Link button. Done! You will be taken back to the calendar, and will see a View Report link next to the event name. Clicking it will open a new tab/page linking to the appropriate WordPress blog post.
    6. At a later time, if you want to remove the report, you can unlink the post by clicking the new Delete Report link I’ve added to the calendar. This won’t delete the blog post or news item, but will unlink it from the event.

There are lots of sites out there explaining how to use WordPress, so Google around and find yourselves a tutorial. One such tutorial is:

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