Sprint ARDF Event, You Yangs

A fairly unofficial ARDF sprint event on 2m was held thisĀ  morning, after the night orienteering events at the You Yangs. It was set around the delightful camping area.

I had problems with TX#3 behaving oddly and crapping over other cycles, so I left it out of this event. I think I may have mis-programmed it (some time ago) somehow !

5 hardy souls had a go, with Dennis H coming in from nearby (apologies about the locked gate!) just for the event. Congrats to Suzanne, who I imagine will be surprised she won overall.


Here are the results:

Name Time Txs found Ranking
Suzanne OC 25 mins 5 1
Dennis H 30 mins 5 2
Rex N 37 mins 5 3
Peter M 42 mins 5 4
Dennis M 14 mins 2 5


A few things to improve on:

  • We could try 20 sec on time (1:40 cycle time) to phase people into the shorter cycles
  • More work needs to be done on TX clock sync adjustment. I had problems with TXs drifting their timeslot and encroaching on others.
  • Better packaging. I think one reset itself by being bumped.