If you are a returning Vic ARDF member who has joined via Eventor, and none of your details below have changed, you do not need to fill in a form. Everyone else needs to fill in a 2021 membership form (links below) and send to Kristian and Suzanne, at the address included. Payment details are also in the form.
Attention OV members:
- If you are a member of another Victorian club, please join that club first, then join ARDF in Eventor.
- In Eventor, you can still enter any OV event with whichever club you wish to. We encourage entering under ARDF, as this helps our stats.
- If you wish to join OV, and ARDF is the only orienteering club you want to be a member of, please do not use Eventor to join; fill out this form and Bank Transfer the $45.
Your Details that may have changed:
- New SI stick number (did you buy an SI-Air stick recently?)
- New address
- Joined/lapsed OV or WIA memberships
- New callsign
- New email
- New contact phone number
- Sex/Name changed
PDF document: https://ardf.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Victorian-ARDF-Group-Membership-2021.pdf
Word document: https://ardf.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Victorian-ARDF-Group-Membership-2021.docx